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Expressive Arts

The Expressive Arts Programme at Phoenix encompasses three subject areas– Drama, Art and Music. Our aim is to encourage self-expression, develop self-awareness and improve self-esteem.

Within the programme pupils throughout the school work to a common theme chosen to complement and support learning in other subject areas of the school curriculum including Science, Literacy and Maths. 

In addition to ensuring that pupils gain skills that are specific to each of the Expressive Arts, our lessons include activities that make connections across the three subject areas in the programme. For example, pupils’ music compositions are used as sound tracks for movement work and their artwork is used as a stimulus for drama activities.


At the end of each term, pupils participate in a cross arts multi sensory installation. Using the full range of technical resources of the school, including lighting, sound and special effects, pupils are helped to create an imaginary environment where they are able to develop the themes and narratives explored throughout the term. Activities include: interactive work with projections, mirrors, shadows, echoes and video. 

please click on the image for the BBC School Report page


Music is taught as a discrete subject within Expressive Arts. A common theme is decided upon each term to be interpreted by Art, Drama and Music. The theme is carried through to Expressive Arts installations and performances, such as International Week.


Art forms part of the Expressive Arts curriculum and as such follows the same theme each term as music and drama. Students work across the three disciplines allowing for a range of experiences.

Art is taught across secondary and in primary during Enrichment where its delivery operates on a rotating six-week block system.


Art forms part of the Expressive Arts curriculum and as such follows the same theme each term as music and drama. Students work across the three disciplines allowing for a range of experiences.

Art is taught across secondary and in primary during Enrichment where its delivery operates on a rotating six-week block system.

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